Traildust Steakhouse, Sanger Texas

After a very long day of driving our motor home through Dallas with white knuckle road conditions we settled down in Sanger Texas.  We were looking for a good steak and found the Traildust Steakhouse in Sanger Texas.  For a bit of history, Sanger Texas “was founded in 1886 as a stop on the Santa Fe Railroad Cattle” when cattle was driven north.  So, could this be a great place for a good steak dinner?  Let’s see.  

THE GOOD:  Great steaks!  I ordered the ribeye medium rare and that is exactly how it was served.  Exceptionally  well seasoned, perfectly charred on the outside and nicely done on the inside.  The accompanying sides of asparagus and mushrooms were also exceptionally seasoned.  Hats off to the chef, you prepared our meal perfectly.  

My wife ordered a Tenderfoot 8 ounce center cut filet,  medium, with the same sides.  Once again everything was perfect! Great char, seasoning and presentation.   

While we didn’t order any appetizers we were brought Texas toast garlic bread that was perhaps the best we’ve ever had.  It was not drenched or overly seasoned as is often the case in most places, and very fresh. 

Being a special dinner for us, we rarely opt to get dessert but today we split a hot berry cobbler with vanilla ice cream. The berries were hot and the cold ice cream accompanied it very nicely. 

Lastly we ordered a Simi Cabernet Sauvignon which they had available. It perfected our amazing dinner.  

Oh, almost forgot, our server was Rhonda, who deserves a special mention. She was exceptional.  

COULD USE IMPROVEMENT:  When we arrived we were greeted with the customary “how many?” and were told that it would be 5 minutes, which confounded us as we could see that barely any tables were taken.  When we brought that to the hostesses attention she said that she needed to figure out where to seat us.  So we went to the full service bar and asked for a martini only to be told that they didn’t know how to make one and that they often are asked for Old Fashions but didn’t know how to make them either.  We offer this up as heartfelt constructive suggestions.  This should be considered as a bit of improvement.  

Date visited 4/24/2022

Recommendation: Highly recommend 


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